Breath Prayers for the Holy-days

Bubbly drink in the sunshine

I don’t know about you, but for me, December always feels a bit like the soda in the sunshine above: beautiful and sparkling but also pressurized and about to spill over at moment’s notice.

When I was thinking about what to share this busy week, I kept thinking, wow, I can hardly catch my breath! And everyone I know seems to be feeling the same. And so, I’ve written some simple breath prayers. I hope they help you as much as they are helping me. They’re meant to be said in the midst of the mundane and manic, and short enough to remember. Choose one or two that fit you and breathe in God’s peace and presence this December.

For those with overstimulated children (and selves):

Inhale: You stilled the wind and waves.

Exhale: We can find our calm in you. -Matthew 8:26

For when the calendar feels so full:

Inhale: The Lord requires only this of me:

Exhale: Act justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly. -Micah 6:8

For celebrating at home and with others:

Inhale: These are holy days.

Exhale: Open the eyes of my heart.

For dealing with illness in winter:

Inhale: You know how we are formed,

Exhale: You remember we are dust. -Psalm 103:14

For attending family gatherings (for better or for worse):

Inhale: I am created in the Image of God.

Exhale: May I see the Image of God in _____ (him/her/them).

When we see Christmas lights:

Inhale: Your light shines in the darkness.

Exhale: Darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:5

For wrapping of gifts:

Inhale: You wrapped yourself in flesh.

Exhale: May we be a gift like you.

For listening to Christmas music or Christmas stories:

Inhale: Women, shepherds, angels, kings

Exhale: Your story is worth the songs we sing.

When we take part in a cherished tradition:

Inhale: Now we know in part,

Exhale: One day we shall know fully.

Inhale: I shall know fully,

Exhale: Even as I’m fully known. -1 Corinthians 13:12

When we light a candle:

Inhale: We remember your kingdom of light.

Exhale: We give joyful thanks to you. -Colossians 1:12

When we unwrap gifts:

Inhale: Every good and perfect gift

Exhale: is from above. -James 1:17

When someone is missing at Christmas:

Inhale: My soul is weary with sorrow,

Exhale: Strengthen me according to your word. -Psalm 119:28

As the year draws to a close:

Inhale: You remain the same.

Exhale: Your years never end. -Psalm 102: 27


Reflection Questions for the Turning of the Year


Feet Washing and Fragility