All Saints Day 2024
Sharing about my latest art series at Immanuel, remembering loved ones, and the saints we may never value enough on this side of heaven.

July is Disability Pride Month: Seven Invitations to Listen and Learn
7 Invitations to Listen and Learn this Disability Pride Month

A Sestina For My Daughter’s Baptism
A poem to process my complicated feelings about my oldest child’s baptism.

Resource Review: Woven by Meredith Miller
A review of Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From by Meredith Miller

Jesus and the Wild Beasts: Lent and Good Company
Reflecting on a little phrase about wild animals and what it could mean to belong to the company that Jesus kept

A Day After the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Thoughts on Mary when the world is thinking of her this Advent
Image from Kelly Latimore Icons

Guest Post— On Being the Church: Receiving Nourishment
A guest post from Tessa about how being the church has meant receiving nurture from a community of faith

Berry Picking Parables
Ways blueberry picking made me reflect on developing faith in our family

Taking Stock Reflection Tool: Summer Edition
Simple prompts to take stock of this present moment before summer begins in earnest

Marriage Musings-Thirteen
Thirteen thoughts on marriage from thirteen years into a journey

You Respond: What has Shaped or Is Shaping Your Life?
Reflections from the IMC community on what has shaped us and what will continue to form us

Reflection Questions for the Turning of the Year
Reflection questions before beginning a new year using UP, IN and OUT

Advent Resource Round-Up
A round-up of my favorite Advent resources for all ages (since it begins Nov 27!)

Help Kids Engage With Worship Service (Church muscles)
Ideas for helping kids (of all ages) become active listeners in church

“Harold be thy name:” Making the Lord’s Prayer An Actual Part of Our Lives
How the Lord’s prayer can ACTUALLY teach us how to pray as individuals, families and communities