Fifteen Second Stories and What Difference Does God Make?
When asked what difference does God make, do we have fifteen second stories to share?

July is Disability Pride Month: Seven Invitations to Listen and Learn
7 Invitations to Listen and Learn this Disability Pride Month

A Sestina For My Daughter’s Baptism
A poem to process my complicated feelings about my oldest child’s baptism.

Nineteen Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth
Nineteen ways you can celebrate Juneteenth now and in the rest of June

Retreat Reflections-Toward Health and Security (Not What it Sounds)
God as Father. God as Lover. God as River of Love. How do these metaphors inform and challenge how we relate to the Divine in secure and healthy ways?

Invitations for Earth Day
Ten invitations to lean in closer to Earth Day and care for God’s good creation.

Marriage Musings-Thirteen
Thirteen thoughts on marriage from thirteen years into a journey

Holding Out for the Heroes…
Which heroes can we hold onto when so many icons have fallen? What can combat our cynicism with awe and gratitude ?

You Respond: What has Shaped or Is Shaping Your Life?
Reflections from the IMC community on what has shaped us and what will continue to form us

Help Kids Engage With Worship Service (Church muscles)
Ideas for helping kids (of all ages) become active listeners in church