Fifteen Second Stories and What Difference Does God Make?
When asked what difference does God make, do we have fifteen second stories to share?

Resource Review: Woven by Meredith Miller
A review of Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From by Meredith Miller

Black History Month 2024 (When We’re All A Little Weary)
5 simpler invitations to learn and grow this Black History Month

Bathroom Stalls and Glory Beams
A prayer for a week that can be filled with, well, garbage.

Breath Prayers for a Time of Troubles
Breath prayers for when the troubles seem to multiply

International Day of Peace
A belated reflection on the International Day of Peace and the ways sorrow, resistance, and alternative visions can help us partner with God to grow peace in our world

Mental Health Awareness Month Part 2: Resources I Personally Recommend
Resources I’ve found to be Scripture-based, well-researched and personally transformative in the world of mental health

Three poems for Mental Health Awareness May
Three poems from my mental health chapbook to help mark May, Mental Health Awareness Month

Retreat Reflections-Toward Health and Security (Not What it Sounds)
God as Father. God as Lover. God as River of Love. How do these metaphors inform and challenge how we relate to the Divine in secure and healthy ways?

Invitations for Earth Day
Ten invitations to lean in closer to Earth Day and care for God’s good creation.

Marriage Musings-Thirteen
Thirteen thoughts on marriage from thirteen years into a journey

When It’s Spring and The Guns Won’t Turn to Plowshares
A gathering of ways to respond to gun violence

Women’s History Month Review: Documentary Daughters of Eve
For Women’s History Month, a review of the documentary Daughters of Eve

Holding Out for the Heroes…
Which heroes can we hold onto when so many icons have fallen? What can combat our cynicism with awe and gratitude ?

Reflection Questions for the Turning of the Year
Reflection questions before beginning a new year using UP, IN and OUT

Navigating (Truthful) Thanksgiving With Our Kids
Ways to approach a truthful Thanksgiving conversation and celebration with our kids